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Lincoln "L" Technical Questions

Remaking Cam Rollers
Michael Worthington
I have been talking to Egge about making a batch of cam rollers and pins. They used to make them but they are now out of stock.

I am wondering how may of you would be interested in buys them if I can get them to make them?

Michael Riley
I would be interested in a set or 2 of the rollers.
Michael Riley 713-992-1086
Michael Worthington
That's great anybody else?
Bill Wybenga
I've just re-assembled my engine with the old, slightly pitted ones but would order a set as spares if the price is reasonable. Bill W.
Francis Spinale
I would put a set on the shelf as well. But depends on $$
Michael Worthington
I have spoken to Egge again they are saying that if we get around 10 sets ordered they would remake them. The approximate price would be around $20 per roller and pin so around $320 a set plus postage and packing.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Bob Acquistapace
Quoted Text
I have spoken to Egge again they are saying that if we get around 10 sets ordered they would remake them. The approximate price would be around $20 per roller and pin so around $320 a set plus postage and packing.

Please let me know if you are interested.


You can put me in for a set of ROLLER and PINES. Thanks for bird dogging this.
Bob Acquistapace
Michael Worthington
Hi Bob,

I will add you to the list.

Michael Worthington
So the guy I was dealing with, has retired and nobody else seems to know about the order. Also there is a question as to whether they need more than 10 set ordered to be able to go ahead making them. As I find out more info I will pass it on.

They last made them in 2003 and they do not have any left in stock.

I am getting my engine ready to go to the machine shop and really could have done with these being made by now.
Michael Worthington
So Egge has come back and says that I need 16 sets ordered (256 pins and 256 rollers) before they will make them. They will cost $20.63 per a set of one pin and one roller. So enough to do one engine rebuild will be $330.08 (16 sets)

So far I have had interesting in ordering 12 sets from people in the club.

These will fit all the Model L years.
George Whelan
I would be interested in purchasing a set of rollers & pins as well. Can you put me on the list
George Whelan
Michael Worthington
Thanks George!

That makes 13 sets ordered. I need 3 more set before we can get these made.

Michael Worthington
Member Dick Powers contacted me with new information about the pin and roller sets made by Egge. In the 1998 Egge catalog the roller sets have a stock number of VC109 which fits all the Model L through to 1933 KB. So they fit all the engines that are fork and blade construction.

I am still looking for more members to join this order. So far I have orders for 13 sets but need 16 for the minimum order at Egge. Anybody else thinking of doing engine work in the near future?
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