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Lincoln "L" Technical Questions

Steering wheel on L
Francis Spinale
Driving the 29 touring this past weekend, enjoying the fall air, turning a corner and heard a sickening crack in the wooden steering wheel. Anybody have experience with restoring one of these of have one that can be restored- so I can keep driving with what I have?
Linus Tremaine
Can you see where it is coming apart? You can just inject wood glue into cracks and then clamp, sand and finish the wheel in whatever finish you like. I prefer something non glossy.

They also can get loose where they mount. You'll have to pull apart the levers etc to get access to the screws but that may be the problem. If the wheel looks good and is not delaminating I wouldn't bother replacing it.

I have two if it comes to that point.

Francis Spinale
Many thanks. It is developing a couple of hairline cracks but not delaminating. I had the levers and piece off when I was working on the horn button. It is tight. I like the idea of a strong wood epoxy. Let me try that as the wheel is in good shape.

I need to get some good 2 part wood epoxy for the other project I have, 1911 cadillac. I remain loyal to the Leland brand!!
Jeff Deringer
As a stop gap measure years ago I used a product called "Git Rot". It's an epoxy that's used for a lot of marine repairs in rotted wood. Still holding tight. It's good stuff. Not cheap, and if you go that way, buy the smallest containers available. A little goes a long way and it has a shelf life.
Francis Spinale
I think Restoration Supply has this in small quantities. That is what I am going to try.
Allan Rustad

These wood steering wheels were probably factory addembled with old style hide glue, which is moisture sensitive. Pushing some good grade wood glue into the cracks would help, beyyer would be to slide a thin knife along the crack to open it up a bit before gluing. If the whole piece comes off, all the better. Wood glue, careful alignment with the other parts, and clamp. It will last for ages.

When I was assembling my '29 limo from a near scrap yard rescue, several of the outer layers of the wheel were loose. Glued them with Weldwood, they are still tight after 50+ years. The hazard with epoxy is that it is Permanent. If you need to repair something down the road, an epoxy glued joint can not be separated.

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